I have just spent the day at a vision
workshop with the inspiring Vanessa Stottor and was particularly interested by
her personal observation that our pass or fail culture in education should not
be allowed to stifle who our children are as individuals.
It goes without saying that education
must lead to academic results which realistically reflect each child’s full
potential, but are parents and schools so focussed on this goal that they are
neglecting the just as important need to celebrate and encourage creativity and
develop each child’s imagination?
Creativity and critical thinking are both
important life skills. The right side of the brain is the creative side and the
left one the more analytical side. Most of us have a personality with
tendencies towards one side or the other. Identifying this in your child will
help a great deal in supporting them in developing their true all-round
For some, defining success
through art, music, drama or sport may be far more relevant than examination
certificates. The measurement criteria for success should be different to each
child as an individual, where the focus is on their own personality, strengths
and interests. Motivation comes from rewarding success in whatever form it
presents itself and not trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.
In my opinion, successful
business entrepreneurs rarely have a CV which reflects high academic
attainment. More importantly seems to be an ability to dream up a good idea and
having the confidence to go out, work hard and make it will happen.
Surrounding children with
positivity, a sense of feeling good about themselves and allowing them to
dream, will build confidence and self-esteem, inevitably inspiring all-round
To learn more about Vanessa and
how she brings positivity to all whose lives she touches, visit her website www.vanessastottor.com
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