Monday, 21 September 2015

10 Tips for getting started on the framework and first draft of your Personal Statement for #UCAS application

Now the Sept term is in full swing, many year 13 students will be turning their minds to university courses for next year and getting started on draafting a personal statement for their university application. 

Here are our 10 quick tips to get you started. Often first putting pen to paper can be the hardest part.

  1. Start with your interest in the course. This is your chance to show why this course is what you want. This should take 60-75% of your statement.
  2. Be reflective. Where did your interest in the subject start? Don’t say ‘From an early age’! Be specific. A little narrative here is good, but get into some detail which is academic.
  3. Give some detail: books you’ve read which have deepened your knowledge or thinking; lectures or TED talks you’ve heard. Don’t just list them, engage with the subject and ideas. Don’t lie – only cite books you have actually read.
  4. DO talk about your A levels or IB! You are applying for an academic subject and these reflect your academic interest and experience. Relate them to the course without forcing the connection.
  5. Broader experience related to the course is very valuable indeed. If you haven’t had a chance to set some up before applying it’s still worth trying to organise it and say what you’re planning, as this could come up at interview.
  6. Relate your Work Experience to the course. Even if it’s a retail job you will have learnt transferable skills.
  7. The UCAS plagiarism software is incredibly sensitive. DO NOT copy models from the internet.
  8. Write in a formal style but DO NOT get your Mum to write it – it will be obvious.
  9. If you can, give some idea of your career aspirations, even if these are likely to change. It gives an insight into who you are.
  10. Don’t mention any problems or health issues – the statement should all be positive. These issues should be dealt with in the reference.

We are offering one lucky winner the chance to win a free hour with one of our team of consultants to kick-start the draft of their personal statement. To enter before the closing date of the 24th September enter your email address by CLICKING HERE

For more details about our services to support teenagers with making a strong application to a UK University through UCAS, visit our website by CLICKING HERE