Saturday 6 September 2014

Countdown to 11+ - a few last-minute tips for #parents

For year 6 classes of 2014, that long anticipated day has arrived and the annual parent ‘nail-biting fest’ begins. Here are a few tips to ensure your worries for the outcome do not transfer to your child, who should take the tests in their stride and know that whatever the result, you will be very proud of the effort they have made.The most important thing is that your child goes into the test feeling positive, motivated and relaxed. Having worked through copious practice questions in the months leading up to today now is the time to stop the preparation and trust that their natural aptitude, supported by the exam skills and techniques you have been working on, will shine through. Boost their confidence through encouragement and praise.

Avoid discussing fears over the result with a partner or friends within your child’s earshot. This will raise the pressure they feel and lead to raised stress levels around the test. Your child should know that the test is a gauge of their knowledge and capability right now and use of the word fail should be limited. Your child must know that whatever school they go to next year, you will make sure they have access to the opportunities that will lead to success in education.

A relaxing evening followed by a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast on the day of the test will help them perform at their best. Last-minute cramming into the night will not allow their brain to switch off and they will probably have an unsettled night, meaning they will be less fresh for the test day.

Plan a treat or buy a small gift to celebrate their efforts over the past few months of preparation and the test being over. Whether you also plan a treat for results day is up to you, but now is your chance to just reward their effort, whatever the outcome.

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